An Expert Medical Opinion is Required to Order an Involuntary Commitment
Recently, a NJ court entered a temporary order for the involuntary commitment of a young mother for inpatient treatment. A legal hearing to review …
Recently, a NJ court entered a temporary order for the involuntary commitment of a young mother for inpatient treatment. A legal hearing to review …
In a recent NJ Appellate Division case, the court found that a trial judge made a mistake by refusing to vacate a civil commitment …
In New Jersey, the Medicaid program which provides an institutional level of care is called “Managed Long Term Services and Supports”. This program pays …
The general rule has historically been that in NJ, a personal service contract, including an employment contract, can be specifically enforceable, especially when the …
Hazards to a golfer’s health and safety that come most readily to mind involve swinging clubs and golf balls in flight, usually on unintended …
“Laches is an equitable doctrine under the law which penalizes a party with a legal right to relief from enforcing that right after passage …
In 2025, only estates over $13,900,000 will have federal death tax exposure. Married couples will escape federal estate tax if their combined value is …
We came in to update our will and Michelle was the most efficient person I’ve dealt with in the last year. Fred was patient …
In this collection case a private lender challenged the court’s dismissal of his breach of contract claims because of the legal doctrine known as …
In New Jersey, drafting a Last Will is guided by statutory requirements and judicial precedent. One aspect of estate planning in New Jersey allows …
In the absence of a biological parent’s consent to surrender parental rights, a court must terminate the parental rights of the biological parent before …
Do you have to pay taxes on money received as a beneficiary? The general answer to my blog title is no; not usually. Most …
An important law governing New Jersey commercial transactions is known as the “implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing”. This law states that …
In my last blog I discussed a public employment case involving a corrections officer employed at Fort Dix. He claimed employment retaliation because of …
CEPA is a complex statute and a detailed series of court decisions that interpret it. This blog will discuss whether CEPA covers reported violations …
This case originated as a dispute between brothers over the managerial rights of a family owned LLC. Each member owned a 48% interest in …
I recently received a contested probate case which appealed the trial judge’s award of attorney’s fees and costs to the parties following a lengthy …
Do you have enough insurance? Does your insurance agent ever discuss your coverage? Without enough insurance you risk loss of your savings and property. …
If you have Medicare and want to change your plan and secondary coverage you have the opportunity now to do it. If you miss …
It bothers me when you buy insurance to protect against future repairs and replacement of defective parts and/or products and when a claim is …
New Jersey like New York is sports crazy especially when it comes to the Yankees, Mets, Jets, Giants, Rangers, Devils, Phillies and Eagles. (I …
Individuals with cognitive disabilities are eligible to have a medical guardian appointed on their behalf. Individuals with unique medical needs such as uncontrolled schizo-affective …
NJ has gotten really tough on approving transfers of a parent’s home to a child who provided care to their parent to avoid nursing …
I notice that many employees (actually they are now former employees when they bring their lawsuit) allege a violation of the New Jersey Law …
One of the nation’s largest home building companies applied to court for injunctive relief to prevent one of his former employees from misappropriating alleged …
Hanlon, Niemann and Wright, P.C. of Freehold, N.J. is pleased to announce that Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq. has been appointed to a one-year term …
Here’s an interesting case I recently read about. The case involved an executor who did a lousy job being the executor of an estate. …
The New Jersey Domestic Worker’s Bill of Rights Act (S-723/A-822) establishes a broad range of rights and employment protections for domestic workers. The impact …
Getting into a nursing home as a Medicaid recipient is not always easy. With the median cost of a nursing home room being more …
In approximately 180 days, New Jersey will adopt the Medical Debt Act. Medical debt includes expenses charged for the provision of numerous medically related …