Introduction to Medicaid Eligibility Requirements in N.J. by Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq.
In New Jersey, the Medicaid program which provides an institutional level of care is called “Managed Long Term Services and Supports”. This program pays …
In New Jersey, the Medicaid program which provides an institutional level of care is called “Managed Long Term Services and Supports”. This program pays …
The New Jersey Domestic Worker’s Bill of Rights Act (S-723/A-822) establishes a broad range of rights and employment protections for domestic workers. The impact …
Getting into a nursing home as a Medicaid recipient is not always easy. With the median cost of a nursing home room being more …
Every year NJ announces changes to its regulations which govern the amount of money a community spouse (a community spouse is the spouse who …
Understanding What Spousal Refusal Means Under Medicaid Law Spousal refusal is recognized under federal law. See 42 S.C. § 1396r-5(c)(3). It applies specifically in …
New Jersey’s Governor signed a new law on evictions during the COVID-19 emergency. For many of our clients whose family members live in long …
Gifts made within 5 years of applying for Medicaid will result in a penalty to the applicant equal to the value of the gift(s) …
A client’s father has been paying permanent alimony for about 20 years and is now remarried. Both he and his current wife are receiving …
When describing the Medicaid application process, I often reference it to a tax audit. It is an intrusive government review of an applicant’s finances …
I used the services of Hanlon Niemann & Wright to help me with asset planning and a Medicaid application after my Dad had a …
Many Medicaid applications involve issues surrounding bank deposits. As part of the Medicaid application process, the State demands documentation of withdrawals from an applicant’s …
I’ve commented about the case of a resident denied Medicaid because in her Medicaid application she listed a Minor’s Account as a resource. In …
The process of properly completing a Medicaid application and providing all necessary information and documentation to your county Medicaid agency is extremely labor …
New Jersey is allowed to file a lien against the assets of a deceased Medicaid beneficiary. Generally, the only available asset is the person’s …
New Jersey’s Medicaid guidebook requires that an agency representative must provide an applicant or his/her representative with a “checklist” highlighting the verification(s) and supporting …
When the State considers an applicant’s eligibility for Medicaid, it meticulously examines the applicant’s finances to ensure that all resources are valued below the …
Often applicants are denied NJ Medicaid or if approved, assessed with a significant penalty period because there is not a clear paper trail of …
Virtually all admission agreements to a nursing home or assisted living facility mandate that any and all disputes with patients and family members be …
In order to discourage people from disposing of valuable assets and real estate in order to become eligible for Medicaid nursing home services, NJ …
An applicant’s Medicaid application was denied because of bank deposits made 58 months prior to filing. I recently read a post where a Medicaid …
In order to be eligible for Medicaid long-term care, there are eligibility requirements that must be met. This includes financial (income and assets) eligibility. …
If you make a gift within 5 years of applying for Medicaid, you will be penalized. A penalty is a mathematical calculation. The amount …
Have your own attorney who represents you and NOT the nursing home do the Medicaid application. Nursing home residents are entitled to hire their …
Post-COVID Eligibility and Enrollment Plans The CMS is requiring that each state, including NJ, develop a “post-COVID eligibility and enrollment plan” to explain how …
Processing Applications & Verifications The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led the Secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS) to declare a …
A client came to me contemplating applying for Medicaid for services at home. There were two issues needing attention. The first issue was financial. …
We received an inquiry from someone whose mother resides at an assisted living facility. The facility told residents it will be giving out flu …
Our office recently did some research on a potential new matter involving an out of state resident looking to relocate to New Jersey to …
Once you qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you are then eligible for NJ FamilyCare Medicaid. However, there are some rules to keep in …
NJ FamilyCare programs cover individuals who are age 65 years or older as well as individuals determined by the Social Security Administration or by …