Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq. of Hanlon, Niemann & Wright, a New Jersey Healthcare Directive and Living Will law firm discusses the circumstances under which a named healthcare representative can exercise discretion to authorize or forbid the use of extensive medical intervention in order to address a medical and/or psychiatric condition.
Mr. Niemann advises clients that in the absence of a Healthcare Directive/Living Will specifying to the contrary, medical officials will likely keep an individual alive through extraordinary means or involuntarily committed to a psychiatric care facility.
Mr. Niemann offers his viewers this interesting, yet brief video containing important information about Healthcare Directives/Living Wills presented in simple and easy to understand language.
A must watch video for any person who has strong opinions and feelings about the quality and/or preservation of their life and circumstances under which the burdens of life may be greater than the continued benefits of existence.
By Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq., a NJ Healthcare Directive Attorney