In this interesting and informative video, Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq., a New Jersey Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation Attorney, explains the important role that regulations adopted under FINRA (Financial Industry Regulations Authority) can help to combat elder abuse and financial exploitation by predators seeking to access and/or liquidate the brokerage accounts and/or the ownership of these accounts to their economic advantage. The financial industry under FINRA has several significant ways it can protect an aging and declining senior and Mr. Niemann alerts his viewers to the availability of these regulations in this website for the benefit of vulnerable loved ones.
A must watch video for anyone concerned about the exploitation of stock and brokerage accounts subject to Federal regulations.
Mr. Niemann invites his readers as well as viewers of this video to contact him at or call toll free at 855-376-5291.
By Fredrick P. Niemann, Esq., a NJ Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation Attorney